While homeownership has long been the American dream, buying a home is not necessarily the best choice for every person or every situation. There are many factors to consider in determining if a home purchase is the right decision for you right now. Can
Jun 14, 2018 | Purchasing a Home
Years ago, a 20% down payment was a requirement for obtaining a mortgage loan. Putting that much money down made it less likely that borrowers would simply default on their home loans and gave lenders a measure of security and collateral in the case of fo
Jun 07, 2018 | First-time Homebuyers
HARP allows homeowners to refinance their homes at todays interest rates without worrying about appraised value and being upside down. If you have been on time with you payments For the last twelve months, You will most likely qualify for harp.
Sep 15, 2014 |
Check back over the next few weeks to see what is happening in the mortgage industry and how we can help you lower your monthly mortgage payments.
May 07, 2014 |